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Swimming Pool solutions!

The use of swimming pools is something we have become accustomed to, some in our back yards others in the local indoor or outdoor community pool. Most people do not realize how much can be involved in giving that great swimming experience. A lot of pools get shut down every year due to high operating costs or expensive repairs needed! I have listed only some solutions for some scenarios below but feel free to contact me if you have other situations and I will give you some solutions for your particular concerns.​

The dreaded Chlorine smell!!!!!!!


One thing that a lot of swimmers do not realize, it is NOT the chlorine that smells! It is instead a

bacteria that grows on the chlorine cells when they come in contact with human fluids called

chloramines. This is something that people have been attempting to resolve for years. There is the

SHOCK method in which you add a large amount of chlorine (or off brand similar product). Another

method which has been growing in use is to add a UV light system. It is very expensive to install

as well as to operate! High use of electricity plus replacement of expensive bulbs once a year not

to mention that due to temperature change at the UV light there is a risk of lime scale build up.


The solution is to install an electronic pool enhancer. It will kill the Chloramine cells as well as other bacteria and algae flowing through your system. The operating cost for this unit is minimal plus gives added benefits of flocculation for turbidity (making your pool cleaner), and scale prevention for your heater. Reducing your operating costs while improving the swimming experience.

Turbidity (water clarity)


The turbidity plays a big part on how much you enjoy your swim, nobody really enjoys swimming in a dirty swimming pool! With the installation of the electronic pool enhancer all the particles in the water will be flocculated (clustered together) allowing your existing filters to remove smaller particles from the water plus giving the added benefits of treating bacteria as well as treating the limescale in your heater and jets.

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